Case Studies

Generate awareness

Generate awareness

Why better energy management is crucial in 2023 by Tim Ross, Commercial Director at Advantage Utilities

Control leads to compliance

We spoke to Mick Seamarks, Compliance Manager at Dean Close School, about how they are using QFM

Isolation in action

Scientists celebrate vibration isolation results ~ Air springs provide solution for world-class electron microscopy suite ~

Potential personified

High school students make campus sustainable with digital technology learned from new BIM workshop

Data driven

Data driven

Data, the currency helping unlock campus energy efficiency by George Catto, Client Services Director at AMR DNA, an Energy Assets service

Digital dreams

Digital transformation trends in the classroom

Creating outside the box

How offsite construction is meeting educational demands

Colour and design

How to support students with autism

The people have spoken

The people have spoken

Purpose built student accommodation providers must work more closely with universities to create happier students and communities

Future of student accommodation

‘What is the future of student accommodation post-covid?” by Mark Williams-Jones

Feed the meter

Feed the meter

William Darby, Managing Director of Carlo Gavazzi UK, explains how metering and benchmarking can be used by colleges and universities to optimise energy use and avoid energy wastage

The zero-carbon campus!

The zero-carbon campus!

How can universities utilise technology in their roadmap to net zero?

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