Jason Petsch, CEO of OUTCO discusses how challenging work like winter gritting can be made safer through innovation
Case Studies

Academy Trusts at forefront of zero carbon action for UK schools

Abloy UK, Aspex and Johan Doors provide University of St Andrews with doors and access control for Younger Hall refurbishment

Why universities are being told to improve their cyber resilience by Jack Porter, Public Sector Specialist, Logpoint

Sustainable living in a campus context by Michál Cohen and Ailsa Forsyth, Walters & Cohen Architects

Paul Brady, HID’s End User Business Manager for Physical Access Control looks at smartphone-based solutions

Countering rising food costs through management of food offerings

Julie Barker (AUCSO) talks about the biggest threats to university security on campuses

Visible sustainability efforts may improve people’s opinions of your campus

Wright & Wright Architects complete redevelopment programme at St John’s College, Oxford

Fitted furniture and its links to academic success by Tony Huggins, Managing Director of David Bailey Furniture Systems Ltd

How to successfully boost all four major mobile network operators at your campus by Gary Exall, Managing Director, Simpi-Fi