Time to take back control!

Time to take back control!

Introducing the Accorto by Electrorad, not only an exceptonally intelligent aluminium radiator, its heatng control is designed for student accommodaton, hotels and propertes where landlords or property managers may want to set limits on energy usage.

The ability to manage costs and avoid excessive heatng caused by over zealous users is a game changer.

The Accorto has 3 clever functons which will help control the radiators.

  • Constant set back - this great feature enables the radiators to be set, locked and more importantly unlocked by the app alone. The property manager can also opt to put the radiator into a constant setback and lock it, this then allows the “one buton boost” functon to be actve which gives a boost of 23°C for 45 mins and then returns to setback.
  • Occupancy sensing and temperature reductons – the Accorto uses microwave sensing to detect presence in a room, but rather than switch of immediately it reduces the temperature over a period of tme ensuring that any low levels of actvity are not mistaken for an empty room as ofen happens with PIR
  • Landlord Lock functon - once you've picked your preferred operatonal mode you can lock those setngs in and rest assured that they cannot be unlocked without the app access.

The Accorto will revolutonise electric heatng and its ability to be managed within student accommodaton, hotels and all managed propertes. The Accorto is available through all electrical wholesalers.

For further informaton visit www.electrorad.co.uk

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