Prevent the spread of Covid-19 when your facility re-opens

Prevent the spread of Covid-19 when your facility re-opens

Thermavis Release A Commercial Multi-Person Thermal Monitoring System For £1600

Being able to scan all employees and visitors to your premises as they enter with a thermal imaging camera gives a non-invasive way to identify persons who may have Coronavirus Covid-19.

This allows for entrance to the building to be denied to that person so that further action, can then be carried out.

This stops potentially infected people entering into a building, or coming into contact with other customers, students, employees or staff members, preventing the spread of COVID-19.

Thermavis Products scan with a thermal imaging camera from a distance of 2 meters, to detects whether someone’s core body temperature is elevated past normal body temperature of 36.5 degrees. This being a warning sign of an individual with coronavirus.

Thermavis Multi-Person scanner can accurately read the temperature of up-to 6 persons at any one time, designed for areas with high traffic, such as entrances, lobbies, gates etc.

According to NHS guidance, a high temperature is the main symptom of COVID-19. While other symptoms such as a persistent cough are much easier to observe without the use of specialist equipment, it’s impossible to know if someone is entering your building with a fever.

How To Deploy A Thermavis Solution In Your Facility
Thermal imaging cameras are most effective at protecting your workplace when placed at the entranceway to a building, workplace, event-space or estate.

Smaller businesses and spaces can scan with a handheld device, giving instant notification of temperatures which could be a cause for concern.

Larger spaces can use tripod-mounted multi-person cameras to scan persons as they are enter, giving instant notification with a visual and audio alarm. Up-to 10 persons can be screened once.

A Small Investment To Enable A Safe Environment
Organisations all over the world are using thermal cameras and have applied this methodology to screen people entering and leaving the premises. It is a quick, non-contact method that is safe for both the camera operator and the people being screened, reducing the risk of the spread of Covid-19.

Recommended by the World Health Organisation

Thermavis have provided Campus with a 10% discount code active for 5 days.




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