Pioneering Axiene hygienic door handles offer improved protection

Pioneering Axiene hygienic door handles offer improved protection

A Glasgow-based company has produced a pioneering hygienic door handle. Eliminating bugs within seconds, the handle reduces cross-transmission of infectious bacteria and viruses

The Axiene VH01 Clean Touch system has been developed by Glana Ltd and is designed to kill more than 99.999% of bacteria and is effective against viruses, providing continuous active disinfection on the handle touch surface using a bespoke and certified fluid.

Independent lab analysis verifies that Axiene provides broad spectrum protection against harmful germs and viruses like E-coli, ENT, MRSA and other pathogens such as Coronavirus that multi-occupancy facilities such as hospitals, nurseries, care homes, universities, offices and schools regularly suffer from. Lab results show that the Axiene touch surface continually achieves a surface cleanliness which hugely exceeds the requirements quoted in international standards for healthcare and food sectors and making Axiene ideal for common use buildings.

Ian Graham, founder and MD of Glana Ltd, said: “When someone touches the Axiene handle, they’re touching a continually disinfected and safer surface as the fluid kills any bugs within seconds and keeps the handle protected for both you and the next person. This means that you’re not leaving your bugs or picking up bugs from the person before you which helps prevent infection spread.”

Ian believes that the continual protection and very low surface contamination makes Axiene a world leading product in offering user protection, improved hand hygiene and infection reduction.

Axiene VH01 is based on a standard pull-handle form and size and without any need for power or other connections, the product is straightforward to fit and can replace existing pull handles and as Axiene requires only simple maintenance, this can easily be carried out by existing staff.

Axiene works more efficiently than other hygiene systems. As Axiene disinfecting fluid is not consumed on a shot-per-use basis, the fluid lasts longer than existing gel dispenser products and so, in addition to improved efficacy, Axiene offers a more economical solution for customers looking to protect their staff or customers.

With the product launched in October 2021, Glana is talking to customers and end users to explain the benefits of the Axiene product and the improvements in user well-being that Axiene offers. One of the interested users for the new Axiene product is the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, currently carrying out a demonstration trial to showcase the product and help reduce infection risks.

With the product launch in mind, Ian also stated “Glana Ltd is looking forward to working with healthcare, education and commercial sectors to help support businesses and institutions fight infection and safely resume operations.”

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